Friday, January 2, 2009

January 2, 2009

I finally have a blog! I love reading everyone else's and hearing the awesome things that are going on in my friends' lives so I decided to finally start my own. I thought it'd be fitting to begin with the new year so here we are. I'm so excited to see what God will do in our family this year. Jackson is getting so big! He can spell his name, loves to sing the ABC's, count, and best of all, pray. Twice this week while being disciplined or going down for a nap, I didn't pray and he cried until we did. I'm grateful for his reminders and appreciate God using the scriptures and teachings we use with Jackson to convict my own heart. Every time I say "All the way, right away, and with a happy heart" to him, I know I should be saying the same thing to myself.

New Year's Eve was really fun. We hung out at our friends' house and we all made it until 12:00. At 12:01, a switch went on and Jackson broke down. We've been trying to catch up on sleep since that point. We tried taking pictures of our family, and as you can see, never were able to get both boys with eyes open and smiling! Oh well.


  1. Welcome to the blogging world! It'll be fun to add another "mommy blog" to my list of fun blogs to read. Have a great weekend!

  2. Very fun that you have a blog...what better way to spend my time? :)

  3. I am so excited you started a blog. I love reading the blogs!

  4. Welcome to the blog world. It will be great "catching up" with your family on this blog.
