Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Potty training?

So Jackson has showed little to no interest in potty training so far. I'm not planning on pushing it because there are enough other things to work on right now without adding this. At his well check, our pediatrician told us that he definitely has the capability and is smart enough, it's just waiting for him to choose to do it. I was giving Jackson a bath tonight and he stood up, crossed his legs, and said "I need to go potty." I was thrilled! I stood up, went to grab him and put him on the toilet, when he sat down and said "All done. I done in my bath". Wonderful! I guess we'll stick to plan A-wait longer.


  1. That is really funny.

  2. You are doing the right thing. They won't be successful until they are ready...goes against everything we know in child training, huh? :)

  3. I have to remember not to focus on which kids are trained already and just focus on him and his needs. This should be fun! :)
