Saturday, January 3, 2009


Christmas was so fun this year for our family in that it was the first one in our own house and Jackson had a better understanding of what was going on. We didn't travel for the first time in several years, which ended up being nice considering the weather our country was experiencing. It was special because Shane's parents and grandmother were able to join us. She has never been here before so it was really great to show her what life is like here for us. Even though none of my family members were here in person, I got to see them all on Christmas day with our webcam. I talked to NY (my parents, grandparents, and sister & family), Alabama (my brother and new fiance), and Alaska (my sister & family). It was awesome to 'see' them all. Jackson loved seeing all his cousins and other grandparents.

Jackson knew how to open presents this year, but it took an incredibly long time. Everything he opened he wanted to play with and wasn't interested in opening something else. We finally got through it and he was on stimulus overload. :)

According to Jackson, every Christmas tree should have a star on the top and he loved lighting ours up every day. He knew it was Jesus' birthday we were celebrating, but it threw him off when we told him it was also Grandpa's birthday. That was hard to understand. I'm looking forward to each future Christmas and his growing understanding of the reasons for the celebration.

I know there are a lot of pictures but we had a lot of fun over our break!


  1. Welcome to the blogging world, it is so much fun to keep up with friends in this way! I added you to my blog list; you can keep up with us by adding us to your blog list or becoming a follower... Happy New Year!

  2. Welcome! I'm so glad you have a blog. :) Your out-of-state families must be thrilled!

  3. I am leaving you a comment even though you are sitting next to me right now!!! I'm so happy you have a blog!!!

  4. Welcome to blogging!
    I feel like our paths hardly cross at church so this is a fun way to peek into the Moore home.

  5. Yeah! I'm so glad you have joined us in bloggerland!
