Monday, January 5, 2009

Love this age!

I'm absolutely loving the age Jackson is at (2 months and he'll be 3). I never thought I'd say that after listening to many people talk about the terrible 2's. It's not all perfect, but I love everything that Jackson is learning. I'm amazed that he can completely spell and recognize his name, LOVES TO COUNT, and wants to do everything himself.

Last night after church, I asked Jackson what he did at church. He told me "God fixed the eyes". I thought that he was talking about his eyes being fixed since he's been getting a lot in his eyes recently for some reason. When we got home, I saw his paper from class about God healing the blind man's eyes and it all made sense. Just as Theresa shared, it's encouraging how our church is ministering to our son. Our time with him is limited and precious and I'm grateful for all the teachers who have shown such patience and are teaching him about God's love for us.

Shane usually takes him to the sitter each morning because I have to be at work earlier. This morning, I actually had the chance to take him myself and it was a blast. He was in the back seat sining into a purple sand bucket and laughing the whole way. We prayed for his day, our sitter, and the other kids and it was awesome. I love watching him pray. He kept telling me to close my eyes (but obviously I couldn't do that while driving).

One last thing, Jackson loves collecting change and putting it in his bank. He found $1 in my purse and I told him he could put it in his bank. He cried because he did NOT want that in there. Only coins should be there. I wish change was all I still needed!


  1. I can't believe Jackson can already spell his name! Wow, teach! Good work!

  2. I wish I could take the credit, but it's my sitter. He LOVES his name. I'm just trying to get him to remember the a and not just J CKSON.

  3. Hey as one of his SS teacher I have seen him in action and he is one smart kid!! I am SO excited that you started a blog!!! :)
