Monday, January 19, 2009

Day at the Zoo

We got to spend an awesome day at the zoo as a family over break. We have a membership and go several times a year, but this one was the most fun so far. Jackson had such a blast feeding the ducks, saw more animals than he's seen in one trip before, and the weather was perfect. Radio Disney was there too so he climbed a pile of snow and got to throw some. He wasn't that fond of it-he doesn't get to see it often enough.


  1. Looks like it was a lot of fun - seems like the zoo was a popular place today.

  2. We were there too. It was a beautiful day but we missed the Radio Disney thing...

  3. Jackson is so cute, love the hat and sunglasses. I hate the zoo so I was not there :) but it looks like it was fun. :)
